Conscious Leadership, Part 4: Empowered to be Your Authentic Self, to be All that You Are

Have you noticed a distinct reaction when the word “power” enters a conversation?

It’s curious that it often makes people uneasy. Especially for those of us who are spiritual or dedicated to transformation.

Here’s the catch: In order to empower others effectively, you must first allow yourself to be fully empowered. Sounds straightforward and logical, right? So, why the reluctance?

It’s the elephant in the room! The root of the word, “empower” is . . .

For many people, POWER is viewed as negative. That’s because many of us were subjected to the misuse of power early in life, power over, power to control or force, or even the power to abuse.

It’s no wonder people shy away from embracing it.

Speaking for myself, that’s what happened to me. I grew up around a lot of anger. I vividly recall the moment I promised myself, “I will NEVER be like that.”

What I didn’t know was that the promise inadvertently handicapped me from taking a stand for my thoughts, opinions, my desires and — even my identity — simply being who I am.

Conscious Leadership, Part 4 Empowered to be your authentic selfWhat I didn’t know was that there is a duality of power.

There is also a positive, a good, or a right use of power.

The power to authentically be all that you are. Taking a stand for your values, your feelings, thoughts, opinions and ideas, for who you are.

And understanding that empowerment is not about dominance but about fostering authenticity, kindness, compassion and a willingness to listen to and understand other points of view.

Conscious leadership involves navigating the nuances of power, recognizing its potential for both harm and benefit.

It needs to be said that power is a continuum. There are those who over-use it, and like I used to be, those of us who under-use it.

Once I discovered the art of embodying the positive, constructive use of power. I learned how to embody my power — empowered to be all that I am.

This transformed my life and allowed me to guide others on a similar journey.

Those who over-use power can also learn how to find their way to the middle of the continuum. Where it’s not too much, not too little, it’s simply taking a stand and speaking up. With kindness and compassion.

By embracing empowerment in its positive form, we can guide ourselves and others toward authenticity and positive transformation.

If you want to know what’s been holding you back from your positive use of power, click here and schedule a call with me!

To being all that you are!


PS – This is Part 4 in the “Conscious Leadership” series.
Click here if you missed Part 1, here for Part 2 or here for Part 3!
And stay tuned for Part 5 – coming next week…



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