meet andrea

Andrea Isaacs is called a Master of Change and a Spiritual Teacher Extraordinaire.

Andrea Isaacs has a passion to bring more joy to motivated, conscious, hard-working leaders who are changing the world. She is an international speaker, empowering facilitator and transformational coach.

After transforming her own painful shyness into confidence, she recognized that change CAN be easy. From shy and speechless, she became the host of her own radio show, and is now a magnetic, engaging and inspiring speaker, on stages in front of hundreds of people. Her own personal transformation taught her that she can guide others through their transformations. She has uncanny insight into what will aid each unique shift with the greatest ease for the greatest outcome. She has now changed the lives of thousands of people in over 25 countries.

Her work blends Emotional Intelligence, the Enneagram, Body Wisdom, Neuroscience and Spirituality...

so you can live and be your best self, no matter what.

Her unique contributions include:

EnneaMotion. Andrea is a master at exploring the full range, from essence to dark shadow, of each Enneagram personality style with movement, as well as creating the neural pathways to embody the gifts and strengths of each personality style.

Somatic Focusing. This is emotional alchemy. Instead of transforming lead into gold, Andrea helps transform emotions you don’t like to emotions you do like by changing the energy in your body.

Emotional Intelligence. Her work covers the core ingredients of emotional intelligence: because of its experiential nature, it increases emotional flexibility and emotional comfort zone. Either one without the other is not sufficient.

The EQ (Emotional Intelligence) Quiz. Based on the Enneagram, the results can tell you why you why you do what you do, your strengths, the hopes and dreams you have, the potential obstacles you may experience along the way, and what to do to overcome those obstacles
so that you manifest your hopes and dreams with ease, peace and joy along the way.

Body Wisdom and the Brain Lab Collaboration. Andrea’s dream for years had been to do a collaboration with a neuroscience researcher to see if scans would validate that her body wisdom work really does change the brain.

She found such a person in neuroscience researcher Dario Nardi, who was an endnote speaker at the 2013 International Enneagram Association (IEA) conference in San Francisco where she was also presenting. After applying one of her body wisdom techniques, the brain scans shifted. The brain activity slowed down, quieted, shifted to the mid-line, as if to neutral, and the color changed. These are indications that the brain was experiencing wholeness and inner peace.

Andrea had always suspected it, and now she was absolute: this work does change the brain, and does support lasting change.

andrea demonstrating
EQ Quiz Logo
Andrea with Group of Students
International Enneagram Conference
Andrea Isaacs Teaching

Professional Certifications and Faculty Member.  Andrea did professional certifications with the Riso-Hudson, Palmer-Daniels and Hurley-Donson schools. She is a founding faculty member of the Enneagram Institute Part II Professional Training. She has taught with Don Riso (until his passing in 2012) and Russ Hudson of the Enneagram Institute since 1994. A founding member (1995) and on the board of directors for the International Enneagram Association for six years, she brought popular workshops, creativity, spunk, interviews, slide shows (before high tech!), the bookstore and silent auctions to the Enneagram community, and paved the way for bringing the body’s wisdom into the exploration of personality.

Co-Founding Editor/Publisher of the Enneagram Monthly.  In 1994, along with Jack Labanauskas, she was co-founding editor/publisher of the Enneagram Monthly. They had the honor to interview the early pioneers of the Enneagram as a personality system, including Oscar Ichazo, Claudio Naranjo, Don Riso, David Daniels, A. H. Almaas, Sandra Maitri, Robert Frager and others.

Conscious Business Initiative Faculty.  The Humanity’s Team invited her to be one of the faculty members for their Conscious Business Initiative, a course launched in the summer of 2016. She had just created her EQ (Emotional Intelligence) Quiz. Almost everyone in the course, all conscious business leaders from around the world, took her quiz, and engaged in conversations afterwards about the results, what the results meant in terms of their impact on the world, and how to make their lives easier, more fulfilling and more joy-filled while having an even greater impact.

Radio Show Host.  She had the joy, honor and the shocking delight to host her own radio show, What We Need to Know, for seven years. The shocking part is that she really is a shy person(!), and she LOVES to interview people. Curious by nature, her guests are always refreshed by her insightful questions and the engaging dialogue. Some of her guests include Dr. Joe Dispenza (Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself), Natalie Ledwell (MindMovies), Katie Hendricks (Hendricks Institute), Matthew Fox (Creation Spirituality), Sarah McLean (Soul Centered: Transform Your life in 8 Weeks with Meditation), Lynne McTaggart, (The Field and The Intention Experiment), Dianne Collins (Do You Quantum Think), Lisa Wimberger (Neurosculpting Institute) and a hundred+ more.

Speaker and Guest.  She’s also been at the other end of the mic, and was interviewed on “Oprah Radio,” was a popular guest on numerous Shift Network Summits, including the Body Intelligence Summits, and their Global Enneagram Summits, and was a guest teacher for the Shift Network’s Enneagram course.

Personal Stuff.  Andrea lives near Boulder, Colorado in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. In addition to her work, her passions include biking, swimming, meditation, inner work, ballroom dance, making jewelry, laughter and good conversations with good friends. She also claims to make the best pesto you’ll ever come across.

Work with Andrea and you will stand fully in your power while bringing your gift to the world.

Changed and inspired by working with her, leaders who had been accused of being unfocused, too much, or were afraid to fulfill their dreams, became inspired, motivated, focused, and had the confidence to know and manifest their dreams. Her system builds resilience so you can deal with challenging people and life situations with ease, peace and joy.

Change CAN be Easy!

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