The Isaacs Method for Emotional Mastery introduces the
EnneaMotion Certification
Registration is open NOW!
It’s time to pass it on!
What is Emotional Mastery and
why would you want it?
- To be the person you want to be,
- To have the nurturing, rewarding, mutual relationships you want and deserve in all areas of life,
- To believe in yourself and
- To know and go for your dreams.
Having a solid foundation, including a strong emotional foundation, will help make that possible.
embodying the Enneagram,
is a doorway into
a deeper knowing of each type
This work was initially based on the Enneagram personality system which describes nine different patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving, each with predictable gifts and strengths and predicable ways of being when they’re stressed.
Challenge and conflict are parts of life.
Increasing your emotional capacity is more important than ever. Listening to and using the wisdom of your body for emotional awareness and balance is essential to increase your emotional range, flexibility and intelligence.
The Isaacs Method for Emotional Mastery
gives you that solid foundation.
The EnneaMotion Certification Program . . .
Though you can never actually be another type, it is easy, possible, useful and in fact important, to step into the energy of each type.
You do get close to that with EnneaMotion. By using movement to explore and embody the Enneagram, you learn and experience the Enneagram as a doorway into knowing how to increase your emotional range and capacity.
You learn how to embodying the highest qualities of each of the Enneagram types.
In the certification program, we will go in depth with how to present EnneaMotion, how to embody the types in your teaching and other parts of your life, how to demonstrate the exercises, you’ll get teaching tips for the material, how to work with music, and scripts for your teaching. There will be exemplars of each of the types.
There will be panels, interactive dyads, getting to know each other, learning from and supporting each other and being supported.
Continue your Emotional Mastery journey
with the next step —.
Learn How to Teach EnneaMotion
Join our Certification Program
Investment: $6,000 or 6 payments of $1200
Be a better speaker, leader, coach or entrepreneur.
Use this to develop your team. Expand your offerings.
3 calls/month on zoom video from FEBRUARY 2020 to JANUARY 2021