In Harmony with Wholeness

In Harmony with Wholeness

If you’ve been reading my stuff lately, you know the topic change and my move (from Colorado to Oregon) have been top of mind for me. Both of them inherently include a ton of decisions. What to keep, what to let go of, give away, donate, sell, replace, do without, how to pack, what to pack with what, etc. My coach recently told me I have “decision fatigue!,” and ohhhhh was she right!

I heard my inner critic beating me up with all the things I had done wrong with those decisions! And then this thought popped into my head.

When our decisions are in harmony with wholeness . . . there’s a “rightness” about the decision, no matter the results.

And, what’s even better — the ole bugger Inner Critic can shut up! Why? Because you KNOW in your bones that the decision was in harmony with wholeness, and the Inner Critic can’t argue with wholeness!

Even if the decision made when packing doesn’t match the “wholeness” I’m wanting to feel now when unpacking, I can accept that it was the best I could have done and that it was in harmony with my wholeness — at that time!

There was a lot of forgiveness with that. And then while unpacking, carrying boxes, moving things, etc., I heard this chant in my head:

In harmony with wholeness
In harmony with wholeness
In harmony with wholeness

And the process became sweet and even fun!

I invite you to try this for yourself!

Next time you find yourself beating yourself up about anything, just ask yourself if “When that decision was made, was it in harmony with your wholeness — at that time?” And if the answer is “Yes,” well, then you have the perfect retort to your inner critic!

And then what?

Finally, the inner critic is silenced, you feel the “lightness in the rightness,” and there is peace in your world. Ahhhhhhhh . . .

And now, with any upcoming decisions, take a moment and ask yourself,
“What decision would be in harmony with my wholeness?”

If you’re not sure how to know, click here and let’s talk about it!

4 thoughts on “In Harmony with Wholeness”

  1. Gratefu! Grateful! for this Andrea, and especially our new mantra gift “lightness in the rightness. Ahhhhhh”!

    Carmen Hurko here, in NYCity.

    We have been abreast while you share & shift….
    We both wish you well, with double good for any troubles!

    (We met in Stoneridge re our Enneagram studies with Russ (me an ex or differently dancing dancer, choreographer, teacher, then in Canada; and now a sacred music singer, publisher & producer.
    And Roman in his ‘then’, a former Opera stage director, all around the world (like you all sharing healing ‘ dealing ways!); now a full time Sacred Music Composer in his Now(s)!)

    Hurko hope filled hugs for each every adjustment step by step…
    Blessed ways & days!
    From NY, NY

    1. Thank you, Carmen, for your comments and your good wishes on this journey! The same back to you and Roman. Would love to talk again and find out more about what you’re both up to.

      All good wishes in all ways on all days!,

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