Commit to Yourself –
If You’re Not Going to Do It, Don’t Do It
or live in hope
Many years ago, and I don’t remember where or when, I read this statement:
Those who live in hope
don’t hear the music.
Apparently, I was living in hope at the time! I do remember being very frustrated about a number of things and longing for things to be different, AND not being willing or ready to do what it would take to change the situation.
In addition to the main reason I’ve often mentioned about why change is difficult*, there is the reality that we may not be ready or willing to have the consequences of the change we think we want.
In other words, we want it yet we don’t do it.
And we live in hope.
And we don’t “hear the music.”
A friend said that one of his mentors told him about writing his book:
If you’re not going to do it,
don’t do it!
If you continually procrastinate and don’t do what it takes, yet still tell yourself that you want to, you’ll continue to berate yourself for not doing it. In which case, the advice was, “Get over it! Stop telling yourself you’re going to do it. Accept the fact that you’re not going to, and don’t do it!”
I certainly saw the wisdom of that.
And it hit home for me. For a variety of reasons, I had taken a break on offering my training programs. And then it scared me that I was missing the music of life! Was I “living in hope?” Had I “lost the music?”
And, there is a burning urge to bring it back, to put this in place so this work can live on after me.
I asked myself what it would be like if I let the idea go. Maybe I wouldn’t be so hard on myself.
And, this is unacceptable.
Read below for what this inspired in me!
What about YOU? What is it you’ve been wanting to do but haven’t taken action on?
If you’re not quite sure how to stop what’s been stopping you, click here and let’s talk about your Emotional Mastery Blueprint. Let’s find a way to get you through the woods and take action on that previously elusive wish, goal, dream or desire!
Here’s to the end of living in hope!
Let’s hear the music and live the dream! Let me know if I can support you in any way. It would be an honor.
The Emotional Mastery
Mentor Training
Yes, the time is NOW! And yes, you heard it here! I will be launching the first part of the Emotional Mastery Mentor Program after the new year.
The time is right and the time is ripe. After working with Jenny Yoder for some time in writing the manual for the EQ Quiz Assessor Training, it’s all coming together.
I’m excited to launch this new and revised training program! There has been a strong calling to teach and train others to continue the three branches of this work that I’ve created which include:
- Training teachers to teach EnneaMotion;
- Training coaches and therapists to use the Somatic Focusing method;
- And the newest leg of the training, The EQ Quiz Assessor Training.
It’s powerful to step into the next best step, for me — and I know it is for you, too.
If this training is for you, click here and let’s talk!
* Though I understand that many people think change is difficult, I believe that’s a myth and put it this way: when we think change is difficult, it actually means that we don’t have a neural pathway “yet” for that new way of being. The word “yet” is key. Together, we can create your unique, custom-designed neural pathway that addresses what’s been holding you back, and will support you in embodying that next, bigger, bolder version of you.