Enneagram Rap – Why this?
Yes, I’ve been posting these Enneagram raps for several weeks now, and it has occurred to me that I should tell you the purpose of these clips. It’s not just to be silly, though I admit, it may look that way at times!
There really is a reason. Please take 3 extra minutes and watch, “Why This” below.
In short, it’s about Choice. And HOW to choose our emotions differently, so that we are not a victim of our emotions — so that we can be the master of our emotions.
This is the WHY, and the raps will show you the HOW!
Check it out!
Please leave comments, insights and ask questions!
Have fun playing along!
It’s not always so easy to do on your own. If you’d like support seeing this clearly and replacing an old story and limiting beliefs with a new story and empowering beliefs, accept my gift, The Emotional Mastery Toolkit.
The first step is to take the EQ Quiz which uses the Enneagram as a doorway to your Emotional Mastery.
You’ll get your Blueprint, your Interpretation Guide, the Whammies Webinar, and a great discount on a call with me. That call can be the turning point in helping you create your new story, so you can more easily step into the YOU that you want to be, even when others or life challenge you.
Please accept this gift! You won’t be sorry.