Enneagram Rap for Type Four
People have been asking for this one! And, many of you know, Type 4 is my type, so it’s quite self-revealing!
Of course, there’s much to enjoy about our gifts, which is true for all types! For Type 4s, it’s the richness and depth due to the range of emotions we allow ourselves, and the incredible joy of connection to Source, and sourcing that in our creativity.
And here’s our trap. It’s getting stuck down there, in the pits of emotions.
And, that’s not the end of the story.
Because, when we Fours, like the rest of us, can learn that we can choose our emotions, we can and do turn it around.
Click below for The Enneagram Rap for Type Four, The Individualist – another less-than-3-minute-video-clip.
Let me know in the comments below the video what you think!
Have fun playing along!
It’s not always so easy to do on your own. If you’d like support seeing this clearly and replacing an old story and limiting beliefs with a new story and empowering beliefs, accept my gift, The Emotional Mastery Toolkit.
The first step is to take the EQ Quiz which uses the Enneagram as a doorway to your Emotional Mastery.
You’ll get your Blueprint, your Interpretation Guide, the Whammies Webinar, and a great discount on a call with me. That call can be the turning point in helping you create your new story, so you can more easily step into the YOU that you want to be, even when others or life challenge you.
Please accept this gift! You won’t be sorry.