Bring your Brilliance into Focus
I know, I know. Part of your brilliance is that you’re so creative, there are numerous fabulous ideas, contributions and projects you’re inspired to create and implement, you want to do them ALL, you want to do them all NOW, and you want the results YESTERDAY, right?
This is the plight of so many entrepreneurs. I’ve felt it, too. Too often, in fact.
I’ve tried to move several projects forward simultaneously. The result? Not a whole lot! And, I’ve narrowed my focus to OTAT . . . One Thing At a Time.
Though I initially feel like I was leaving something behind that I may later forget or regret, OTAT actually gives me a relaxation, ease and speed in choosing how to spend my time. The result? I complete something!
And the result of that?
A deep satisfaction and joy!
So why don’t we do it more often?
Some of us are more generators and creators, and others are more implementers.
Yes, I’m going to “beat that same drum again,” and say it’s the neural pathways!
That preference, whether you’re a generator/creator or an implementer, the one you are has a much-used, much-trained, much-strengthened and probably over-practiced neural pathway. It’s so strong it starts to drive you and then take over. Even if you want to change your mind and do something differently.
Change CAN be easy — when you create a neural pathway for that new way of being.
And when you use OTAT, you will shift from being scattered to bringing your brilliance into focus.
Click here to talk with me and find how you can apply OTAT easily and bring your brilliance into focus to get the results you want.
We’ll find which of your neural pathways are strong (your sweet spot), overly-developed, or non-existent (those are the ones you’d like to add to your repertoire so that you have more choice), and what you need to do to get the results you want!
I’m now scheduling only 3 things to do every day and working towards doing just that 1 thing every day.
Way to go, Veronica! I’d love to hear how it goes!