Your One Wild and Precious Life

Your One Wild and Precious Life

I could be wrong, but I believe everybody has a dream; a dream of some sort. I have no judgment if someone’s dream is “too big” or “too small.”

A dream that is often interpreted as “too big” could be changing the world, peace on earth, or building Apple computers. A dream that is often interpreted as “too small” could mean being the best husband/wife, mother/father, son/daughter, sister/brother, friend or person that one can be. Dreams continue even after retirement and other times when there is no need for “striving.”

Actually, there is nothing small about any of those. The question is, “How’s it going?” Because as human beings, we all have things that push our buttons, and conflict is a part of life. One of our jobs as human beings is to master how to deal with those moments in a respectful, honoring and effective way so they can encourage or inspire rather than challenge or get in the way of being our best self (a powerful dream in itself!) or manifesting something else.

Of course, you may be one of those already “living your dream!” In which case, my hat is off to you — seriously! Maybe it doesn’t make sense to you, but — you may be in the minority.

The question really is:

No matter your answer, I invite you to have an answer to that question!

Do not belittle this, your heart’s desire, whether it feels “big” or “small.” I believe this is a big part of what gives meaning to life.

I know it can be boring or redundant to be presented with a quote that you’ve known of for years. Let’s have “beginner’s mind,” to think about this next quote with fresh eyes and an open heart and mind, and notice if it can touch a new nerve in you —

Though I’ve known of this quote for a long time, it recently struck a new chord in me.

I was a keynote speaker at the International Enneagram Conference a few weeks ago. I loved it! Speaking to this group of people, gathered together around this shared passion, I felt so “me,” in my skin, excited to talk about my greatest passion. People said I “owned the room!” I did feel that I touched all the hearts there. You could say I was “big.” In fact, it’s fair to say I was shining my light!

I was standing in my mission, in the biggest thing that gets me out of bed in the morning. The intense desire for all interactions to be based on honor and respect so people everywhere get along and there’s peace on earth. (Well, maybe not in my lifetime.) This change starts with one emotion at a time, with one person at a time.

I’m here to help make that happen.

In a way, it doesn’t matter if I get all the way there or not. The journey towards that intention is my way of life and what gets me out of bed in the morning. Even if I’m not always successful, this is my journey. And it’s a journey that moves me to tears.

What’s YOUR dream, big or small? I’d love to hear about it! Please comment below and tell me!

If you’re ready to put a stake in the ground for what you stand for,
and have some challenges causing undo stress, let’s talk .

Having made my life a struggle for so many years,
I know a lot about shifting struggle to ease.




1 thought on “Your One Wild and Precious Life”

  1. Andrea, I was able to talk to you a bit at the conference and mentioned , in my long years of enneagram work (24) , that I had been afraid of you and body work. I enjoyed you at the conference and have learned the hard way (back problems) the importance of the very work I avoided. Thank you for reinforcing my new-found learning and I hope I can continue to make body work a priority. It has helped me a great deal. More power to you! Ruth Foster,

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