The Resilience Series: Type 3
Believe in Yourself
If you are doubting yourself, have stopped believing in yourself, or let a dream drop by the wayside, this is the time to…
Yes. Stop it!
Being in the midst of a pandemic has been challenging to so many. Any small doubt, fear or anxiety you may have ever felt, could be elevated by this.
If you started to doubt your ability to achieve that next step, that next version of you, in your business, your relationships or your life, just because we’re still in the midst of a pandemic and many things are still closed down, does not mean you can’t keep moving towards it.
NOW, more than ever, is the time to believe in yourself.
In fact, this is the inherent gift for Enneagram type Three.
(You can find out how much or how little you have of the gifts of each type by taking the EQ Quiz. Take the quiz and you’ll get the Emotional Mastery Toolkit which includes a pie chart showing you!)
Many years ago when I first came across the Enneagram, I remember looking for people in my life who illustrated and embodied the gifts of each type. I’m remembering my friend, Paula, a Type Three.
I saw her as successful in so many areas. She was a powerful and passionate corporate trainer, a brilliant Enneagram teacher, an artist, was physically and spiritually fit, a good friend, and had a life style of living in the country yet having a classy and sophisticated point of view.
I remember looking at her and saying, “Paula, how do you ‘be’ you?”
She looked at me quizzically and asked, “What do you mean?”
I responded by telling her all of those things I saw in her. She replied, “I don’t know. I just believe in myself.”
That was such a beautiful statement. I was taken aback. It shocked me. It was a phrase I had never heard and had never thought of applying to myself.
If you’ve been reading my stuff, you know (among other things) that my work is based on two Sanskrit concepts to which I apply a lot of creative license:
- mantras (words and phrases you could also call “power phrases”) and
- mudras (body positions, traditionally prayer or meditation positions you could also call “power poses”)
This is most effective when we create them specifically for what you most need.
Wanting more of what Paula naturally had, I started to use the mantra, “I believe in myself.” It also helped me embody more of what the Type Three does naturally.
It was beautiful to experience this inner state evolving. At first, it was so outside my comfort zone, it was a shock. As the neural pathway strengthened with practice, it gradually became a part of my comfort zone. And then, it became true.
The point here is that if or when your belief in yourself is shaken, if you feel knocked off your game or that your dreams had to be put on hold, I want you to know that now more than ever, it is crucial that you do believe in yourself.
I invite you to say this to yourself, over and over and over again:
I believe in myself.
I believe in myself.
I believe in myself.
And while you do that, take a moment after each time your say it, to feel the meaning of the words in your body.
THIS is one of the gifts that Type Three will give each of us to build resilience, to stand strong and solid in what your dream is, and to keep going for it, in whatever way you can.
Here’s to you.
I believe in you!
Click here for your free Emotional Mastery Toolkit.
It includes taking the EQ Quiz, your Blueprint illustrating how much and how little you have of the gifts and the challenges of each type, the Interpretation Guide, the “Whammies Webinar” and a great discount on a private call with me.