Enneagram Rap for Type Nine
I heard from enough of you that I’m encouraged to continue!
This rap started as a collection of mantras and became a chant. It has always been an embodiment practice.
- Join me as I repeat mantras to increase your gifts and lower your challenges in 18 areas of emotion as described by the Enneagram.
- Feel the meaning of the words in your body, and
- Notice what shifts. I know something will!
This is the second in the Enneagram Rap Series. This one is for Type Nine, The Peacemaker.
In 3 minutes, you’ll get some tips to shift —
From any upset — to calming down, going with the flow and understanding others. This is the gift that Nines are known for, and something we can all use!
From being asleep to yourself — to waking up and knowing that you matter. This would lower the challenge of your Inner Nine.
All that in 3 minutes? You bet!
“What would that look like?”, you might ask!
Watch the video and find out! And then, play with these mantras and start chanting them. And then you’ll know what I mean!
I’d be most grateful if you would post your comments, questions and insights below the video so I know how this is coming across. And of course share the video with anyone who might be interested.
Wishing you lots of fun chanting and rapping!
It’s not always so easy to do on your own. If you’d like support seeing this clearly and replacing an old story and limiting beliefs with a new story and empowering beliefs, accept my gift, The Emotional Mastery Toolkit.
The first step is to take the EQ Quiz which uses the Enneagram as a doorway to your Emotional Mastery.
You’ll get your Blueprint, your Interpretation Guide, the Whammies Webinar, and a great discount on a call with me. That call can be the turning point in helping you create your new story, so you can more easily step into the YOU that you want to be, even when others or life challenge you.
Please accept this gift! You won’t be sorry.