Empowered Leadership: A Ripple of Kindness in a Rapidly Changing World

Have you noticed that our “new normal” is now changing at an ever-increasing pace?

Ripple of Kindness - Walking

These are turbulent times, and knowing how to navigate them well has become essential.
And then, we are empowered to make quality decisions and take actions that will achieve the best possible outcome for ourselves and those whose lives we touch.

Create a ripple! Each one of us has an impact on the world and the people we interact with, making us all leaders in our own right. Our thoughts, feelings, actions, and decisions create a ripple effect that touches and impacts those around us.

Ripple of kindness - flower in water

It’s time for all of us to rise to the occasion and embrace our leadership, even if you don’t see yourself as a traditional leader. You may think, “I’m not a leader, I’m a _______.”

You do not live in complete isolation. If you’re reading this, you are part of the interconnected world. And a leader in your world.

This means that who you are in every moment matters. The world needs more kindness, peace, understanding of different perspectives, cooperation and respect.

But how do we make a difference?

It begins with each one of us.

Each of us has the power to stand for kindness, peace, understanding and respect. When we take this stand, it creates a ripple effect that impacts others.

While it may sound simple, it’s not always easy.

To be effective, it’s important to be conscious of the impact of our thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Ripple of Kindness - Woman with Heart



The heart is the source of our kindness and empathy; so this is a powerful place to start.



If this idea feels “woo woo,” unfamiliar or hard to grasp, here’s a practical tip.

Focus your mind’s attention on your sternum, often referred to as your “breastbone,” located in the middle of your chest. This area represents your heart center and is the home of your feelings, kindness, love, and connection to others.

Empowered Leadership - A Ripple of Kindness in a Rapidly Changing World v2By focusing on this spot, you might notice a softening in your heart, in your demeanor—a first step towards kindness and thoughtfulness.

My recommendation is that we all bring our awareness to our hearts and create ripples of kindness.

There will be a cumulative effect of these small changes that will make an impact on the world around us.

It’s not about grand gestures or sweeping transformations. It’s about being mindful, empathetic, and leading with heart.

This is the world I want to live in — a world of empowered leadership driven by kindness and compassion.

How about you?

Please post your comments, questions, thoughts and insights below. I’d love to hear from you!


Many years ago, one of my teachers said, “The hardest and longest journey is the journey from your mind to your heart.

I’d like to add: Once you’ve listened to your heart, you’ve created the pathway. The next time you do it, it’s easier. And every time you listen to and honor your heart’s wisdom, it continues to get easier and easier.

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