Enneagram Rap
for Type Seven

Enneagram Rap for Type Seven

I used to think happiness was superficial because I wanted the meaning and depth of life! Thank God I woke up! I’ll never forget the day I realized holding that belief would doom me to never be happy. So I simply changed my mind! I still want the depth and meaning of life, AND, happiness has indeed become a value.

That’s what I got to play with in this Rap. I believe we ALL deserve to be happy. And, that’s not all that Sevens are known for. They are great at brainstorming. They think outside the box. They are creators, inventors and innovators.

And, like all the types, their downside is also too much of a good thing. Getting wound up in thinking, planning adventures and the next shiny object. And then bored if things aren’t moving quickly enough.

You get to choose! Here is The Enneagram Rap for Type 7…

Here’s their turn-around to reclaim their higher self:

I stop,
fill with gratitude for all that I have,
for all that I have done.
I have everything I need, and I say
“Thank you, for this life.”
I have joyful, radiant stillness.
There’s joy in my calm.

Click here for The Enneagram Rap for Type Seven.

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