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The Deep Dive 2022


5 private coaching sessions (60 min), 5 group coaching sessions (90 min), The Choice Program, EnneaMotion, The Embodiment Retreat and a private Integration Session (Value: $9,000)

A 5-month journey towards focused on your Emotional Mastery

This work brings together Emotional Mastery, the Enneagram, Embodiment and Neuroscience in a way that gives you a CHOICE in how you show up in life. With this work, you’ll be able to think better, feel better, do better, and BE your best self at all times in all ways, and live an abundant and joyful life.

Private Coaching

5 private 60-minute coaching calls designed specifically for you, your personal history, what you want and where you’re going now.
Integration Call
One more private 60-minute call to be sure you’re integrating all that you’ve learned.
The CHOICE Program
12 pre-recorded video trainings (averaging 20-30 minutes each), including:
* 2 modules based on the language of your body (to experience the connection between your thoughts, feelings and your body)
* 9 modules, one for each of the nine Enneagram types (expanding your emotional capacity)
* 1 Finalé module: a recap of everything, and more ideas about how to “customize” these for yourself and more ways to practice
* 9 exemplar videos, one person from each Enneagram type, talking about what it’s like to be that type
5 Q&A and Group Coaching Calls
In addition to answering your questions, about you, your emotional reactions, your Blueprint, and what’s next for you and your life mastery, this is another opportunity for a coaching “turn-around.”
10 2-hour 2ce/month training calls.
The first is about the language of the body.
The following 9 calls are each based on one of the 9 Enneagram types. You will be cultivating more and healthier emotional responses so when challenges arise, you’ll have a good choice, not just in the palm of your hands, in your whole body and in your brain.
The Embodiment Event (currently called: Imprint to Impact: The Manifestation Mindset Event)
A culminating event celebrating all that you’ve done.
Value: $9000


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