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How you respond to people and situations directly impacts your ability to create the life you want. If you feel anxious, deflated, frustrated, hurt, or angry in response to triggering situations and need support shifting these feelings, this ebook is for you!
By reading this, you’ll learn the three simple yet proven steps to shift the energy in your body quickly and instantly. These are the same steps that have helped thousands of business owners, professionals, and students create the life they want and have ease, success, and joy in manifesting abundance.
Written by world-renowned speaker, coach, and The Emotional Mastery Institute founder Andrea Isaacs.
Andrea Isaacs is a speaker, trainer, coach, and founder of The Emotional Mastery Institute. She certified with pioneers Don Riso & Russ Hudson, Helen Palmer & David Daniels, and others. She became a founding faculty member of the Enneagram Institute Professional Training in 1994 and has been a speaker, coach, and trainer in a variety of settings in 29 countries.
She helps entrepreneurs who are ready to step up their leadership and want quality in all parts of life. After using her unique method, which combines the Enneagram, Emotional Mastery, embodiment, and neuroscience, she shifted her painful shyness into the confidence to speak on stages around the world.
She now guides others to their life purpose, to know how to choose their emotions so they can live as their best and highest self, no matter what, and have quality communication so everyone is seen, heard, understood, and honored.
If you’re ready to experience change that lasts and create your dream life, this ebook is a must-read!
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