To get the most out of our time together, take the EQ Quiz (based on the Enneagram) BEFORE the class! You’ll find it here.
It just takes 5-10 minutes, and you’ll immediately get your Emotional Mastery Blueprint (the pie chart of your results). I’m sure you’ll have questions about what it means, so write them down and bring your questions with you to the Masterclass!
What’ll you get — Your past, present and future!
You’ll see that your Blueprint illustrates your past and your present, and it can be a guide for the future you want to create.
You’ll see your gifts in 18 areas of emotion which point to your unique brilliance — your Life Purpose. And — the challenges that have been holding you back from living it.
You’ll learn and experience the 3 magic keys that make growth — and stepping across the edge of your comfort zone — sooooo much easier!, and fun!
You’ll learn how to access more of the gifts and less of the challenges of the range of different personality types.
This increases your emotional capacity and flexibility, giving you more harmonious and effective options in how to respond when someone, something or life challenges you.
Remember, though many people think change is difficult . . . change CAN be easy . . .
. . . when you know how to create the neural pathways for change you want!
It’s true that there’s a “sea of sameness” out there.
The fact that you’re reading this means you’re ready, and it’s time for you to tap into your uniqueness — and yes, it’s time for you to stand out in a sea of sameness.
It’s time to be you, fully you! No one else is like you! In fact, the world is waiting for you — not someone like you — they’re waiting for YOU!
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